Day 1 (6/8): Met with Dr. Swetnam and discussed project options and overall goals for the summer. Discussed working on the OpenDendro initiative or instead working with Google Earth Engine. Talked about how to setup this website using github: cloning Shruti's (a previous KEYS intern) repository and updating the information to match my own.
Day 2 (6/9): attempted to clone Shruti's repository through github's importer. However, this got stuck loading for 24+ hours so my progress was kind of at a standstill.
Day 3 (6/10): Cloning through github's importer never successfully loaded. I attempted to download all of Shruti's files to my computer and then add those files to my own repo to make a clone of her repo. However, Dr. Swetnam pointed out that after doing this I was still missing some key files and that the file paths and structure was incorrect.
Day 4 (6/11): Deleted contents of my new repository and this time cloned Shruti's repo through the terminal using git. After some trial and error (I had a very low level of familliarity with git) I got it to work!
Day 5 (6/12): Now that I had a successfully cloned repository, I worked on editing the mkdocs.yml to get my own website up and running. After setting up the basics and the URL, I added more personal information to further personalize my website.
Day 6 (6/13): Researched and enrolled in GitHub Education and CodeSpaces (turns out CodeSpaces isn't available as part of the student developer pack). Continued tweaking and cleaning up my GitHub site (read more of the mkdocs documentation to better understand this). Began research into Google Earth Engine and STAC Catalogs to build a foundation for my project this summer.
Day 7-8 (6/14-15): Gained increased familliarity with Google Earth Engine and accessed Google Earth Engine Developer. Forked Samapriya's awesome gee community datasets on GitHub to begin working with the repo with the intention of sending a pull request at the end of the summer to send it back to the main.
Day 9 (6/16): Continued to work with Google Earth Engine and began working with Jupyter Notebooks to better understand STAC catalogs. Worked to understand the formatting of the awesome-gee-community datasets by looking at the json files. Continued taking notes on both STAC catalogs and Google Earth Engine (adding these notes to the site tomorrow).
Day 10 (6/17): Continued to take notes to better understand the awesome-gee-community datasets and STAC catalogs. Began to transfer notes and information over into the github.io site (still need to make further progress with this). Experimented more with Jupyter Notebooks (need to commit more time to better understanding this). Talked to Dr. Swetnam about plans for meeting with Samapriya next week to discuss his vision for the awesome-gee-community datasets.
Day 11 (6/20): Worked through KEYS assignment on the introduction, background, and purpose of my research. Read additional research papers on both STAC catalogs and Google Earth Engine. Worked to create graphics in MKdocs to represent the structure of the awesome-gee-community datasets.
Day 12 (6/21): Today I fleshed out the STAC catalogs and GEE pages on my github.io site. Additionally, it turned out that my mkdocs diagrams are not rendering properly on my github.io site. I spent a long time researching the mkdocs and mermaid documentation for this, along with trying to debug it, but with no luck. I created a github issue about it explaining it more fully, but I hope to get this sorted out tomorrow. Experimented with visualizing different datasets on GEE and sifting through the GEE public data STAC catalog. Realized I should be taking more original pictures for my webpage and poster, so I will now start doing this as I move throughout the process. High on my personal agenda for tomorrow is to format all of the sources I've used/collected in APA style and properly cite them.
Day 13 (6/22): Met with Dr. Swetnam and Dr. Samapriya Roy to discuss the overall plan for the rest of my internship. Worked on setting up my computer to write and edit markdown files locally. Installed brew package on git, and set up vscode as a code editor to then render things locally before pushing to github. gained access to Samapriya's datasets on Earth Engine and will begin editing the markdown files for these on github based on a standardized template. Eventually may begin editing the JSONs for these and/or creating a Jupyter Notebooks manual for them. Also set up a twice weekly meeting with Samapriya.
Day 14 (6/23): Today I worked on formatting and gathering my references in order to do in text citations. I also did further work with Jupyter Notebooks and gained more familliarity with the VSCode software.
Day 15 (6/24): Today I worked on investigating and getting a better feel for the community datasets on GEE. Additionally, I updated my webpage with information on Jupyter Notebooks (I still want to add photos to this). I realized my mermaid diagrams are rendering correctly when I look at the page locally; however, they are still incorrect when I look at the actual website (even when it is up to date). I tried to get them to render correctly but I had no luck.
Day 16 + 17 (6/27-28): While waiting for the Markdown templates from Samapriya I have been working on creating graphics to better understand my research and improve clarity (the finished ones are up on my website). Additionally, I have been working on compiling a shortlist of some of the community datasets and recording information on these to streamline the standardization of these.
Day 18, 19, 20, 21 (6/29-7/5) : Finished the long process of looking through all of the community dataset code on GEE, and taking notes on what catalog information they contained. Wrote and developed my elevator speech for my final KEYS presentation. Additionally, started working on formatting my poster; however, I cannot settle on a design that I'm happy with. Worked on devising a plan for how to best showcase my results and worked on designing poster graphics using BioRender.